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Wade Robson's Case Dismissed by Judge


Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mark A. Young has dismissed the case brought by Wade Robson against Michael Jacksons Estate and companies, the final ruling was decided today after the Judge considered in person arguments made by the attorneys involved. Robson claims that he was sexually abused by Michael Jackson as a child, despite testifying for Jacksons defense in his 2005 trial where he withstood extensive cross-examination and continuing to defend Jackson even after his death in 2009.

Last October, James Safechucks case was dismissed, both men claim that Jackson's companies MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures were responsible for their alleged childhood sexual abuse because they had control over Jackson and did not exert it. However, the defendants argued that the corporations had no ability to control the behavior of Michael Jackson.

Jonathan Steinsapir, an attorney representing the Estate of Michael Jackson issued the following statement regarding today's ruling:
“Wade Robson has spent the last 8 years pursuing frivolous claims in different lawsuits against Michael Jackson’s estate and companies associated with it. Robson has taken nearly three dozen depositions and inspected and presented hundreds of thousands of documents trying to prove his claims, yet a Judge has once again ruled that Robson’s claims have no merit whatsoever, that no trial is necessary and that his latest case is dismissed"

Wade Robsons attorney Vince Finaldi has since issued a statement, indicating that they wish to appeal “This decision of Judge Mark A. Young suffers from the same fatal flaws as the prior decision of prior Judge Mitchell Beckloff, which we were able to overturn on appeal. “For this reason, we will be appealing it to the Court of Appeal, and to the Supreme Court if necessary. If allowed to stand, the decision would set a dangerous precedent that would leave thousands of children working in the entertainment industry vulnerable to sexual abuse by persons in places of power.”

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Ben Nagle
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Ben Nagle
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