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  • Update Regarding Multitracks + Registration

    It's clear that this thread needs some love and attention. A lot of the links have either expired or been miss-labelled. With the amount of tracks there are, this is quite a practice. I have made the decision to lock this thread from further replies and to put out this notice that I will be refreshing this thread with updated links and guidance where needed.

    I will update the thread on multitracks and the first post with any forth coming updates about this in due course. For information - I have also disabled user registrations to do some tidyup. Stay tuned.


Inspirational fiction is a sub-category within "inspirational literature," or "inspirational writing," defined in various ways in the United States and other nations. More and more bookstores (including online booksellers) and libraries consider inspirational fiction to be a separate genre, classifying and shelving books accordingly.
Organizations like LYRASIS, the USA's largest regional membership organization serving libraries and information professionals, have begun holding classes for library workers to "explore the explosion in recent years in popularity of Inspirational Fiction and how it has blended in with all other genres to become appealing to more than its original target audience."

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