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  • Update Regarding Multitracks + Registration

    It's clear that this thread needs some love and attention. A lot of the links have either expired or been miss-labelled. With the amount of tracks there are, this is quite a practice. I have made the decision to lock this thread from further replies and to put out this notice that I will be refreshing this thread with updated links and guidance where needed.

    I will update the thread on multitracks and the first post with any forth coming updates about this in due course. For information - I have also disabled user registrations to do some tidyup. Stay tuned.

Michael Jackson - Slave To The Rhythm

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2 May 2020 at 6:34 PM
Posted by smooth-c
Michael Jackson - Slave To The Rhythm
Production Companies: Optimum Productions, Pulse Evolution, Tricycle Logic
Creative Director: Jamie King
Associate Creative Director: Stephanie Roos
Executive Producers: John Branca, John McClain
Producers: Frank Patterson, John Textor, Karen Langford
Supervising Producers: Oualid Mouaness, Natalie Johns
Visual FX Supervisor: Stephen Rosenbaum
Production Designer: Tamlyn Wright
Editor: Guy Harding
Stylist: Michael Bush (Michael Jackson)
Stylists: Franck Chevalier (Dancers), Douglas VanLaningham (Dancers)
Choreographers: Rich Talauega, Tone Talauega
Production Manager: Nathan Stoebner
Production Coordinator: Joseph Davison
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